#!/bin/sh # GRserverList-display information about all GR URLs. # # This routine works via a GET with no parameters. # A simple list of the sites is returned, with # links to site information. # weblist="/usr/local/lib/addresses/grurls" cat <All Server Information

The Worldwide Web of GR

This is a complete list of all the relativity web accessible (web, gopher, ftp) servers that are registered at QMW. Please let them know of any others, or of any problems.

You can either connect to the servers, or use our software to find out more about each group. You can also search this information. EOM awk -F"&" ' BEGIN{found="0"} $0 !~ /&/ {next} found == "0" {print "

"} {split($1,tags, " "); if (tags[2] == "") constring=tags[1]; else constring=tags[1]"+"tags[2]; print "
"$1""; print "
Server URL: "$2"
"; print "Contact address: "$3"

"; print "Can"; print "connect now,"; print "or check for homepages."; print "

"; found="1"} END{if (found == "0") print "Sorry-cannot find database!" else print "
"}' $weblist ls -l $weblist|awk '{ print "Database last modified on "$5" "$6" "$7"."}' echo "In case of problems, contact:
The Web Master (theoryweb@physics.ubc.ca)
or, for software problems, the author:
Steve Braham (S.P.Braham@qmw.ac.uk)