Toward a New Understanding of Space, Time, and Matter

Workshop Schedule

June 16-19, 1999

All workshops take place in the large Peter Wall Institute conference room on the third floor of the University Centre.

Wednesday, June 16 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Post-talk discussion Steve Weinstein
Thursday, June 17 9:30 am - 11:30 am What is a quantum theory? Chris Isham
Thursday, June 17 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Category theory, topos theory, and topological quantum field theory Lou Kauffman
Thursday, June 17 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Spacetime in string/M-theory Tamiaki Yoneya
Friday, June 18 9:30 am - 11:30 am Time and space in physical theory and experience Larry Sklar
Friday, June 18 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Field-theoretic issues in quantum gravity Lee Smolin
Saturday, June 19 9:30 am - 11:30 am Quantum gravity: physics, metaphysics, or mathematics? Simon Saunders
Saturday, June 19 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Quantum cosmology and quantum gravity Rafael Sorkin


Post-talk discussion (Steve Weinstein)

A discussion of some of the issues raised by the four talks on the first day of the conference.

What is a quantum theory? (Chris Isham)

Ordinary quantum theories are constructed against flat spacetime background, and are typically characterized in terms of Hilbert spaces and self-adjoint and unitary operators. How might quantum theory be generalized to deal with the peculiar requirements of quantum gravity? How do these more general constructions conceive of the role of time (and space) in quantum theory?

Category theory, topos theory, and topological quantum field theory (Lou Kauffman)

It is to be expected that a theory of quantum gravity will require new sorts of mathematical description. Category theory has recently been influential in quantum gravity via its influence on topological quantum field theory and topos theory. What directions for future research are suggested by this existing work?

Spacetime in string/M-theory (Tamiaki Yoneya)

The approach to quantum gravity based on string theory has enjoyed great popularity and some notable success in recent years. However, there are some fascinating and deep questions which remain in attempting to make sense of the theory on a nonperturbative level. What might M-theory/string-theory say about the nature of space and time at the Planck scale? And how does classical spacetime emerge at lower energies?

Time and space in physical theory and experience (Larry Sklar)

As physics has developed, the conceptualization and theoretical description of space and time have become more and more abstract, more and more remote from everyday experience. For example, many of our fundamental intuitive temporal notions have undergone drastic modification in relativistic theories, and now threaten to disappear entirely in quantum gravity. Yet it would seem that we need to maintain some contact between experience and theoretical structure in order that the theoretical structure make contact with experiment. How fundamental are space and time to physical theory?

Field-theoretic issues in quantum gravity (Lee Smolin)

Existing quantum field theories are often regarded as effective field theories, which are not valid at arbitrary energy scales. Might a theory of quantum gravity also be an effective theory of some sort? The vacuum energies associated with field theories give rise to the notorious cosmological constant problem. How do the various approaches to quantum gravity deal with this problem?

Quantum gravity: physics, metaphysics, or mathematics? (Simon Saunders)

How might philosophical ideas such as relationalism come into play in quantum gravity? To what extent is quantum gravity a philosophical or mathematical enterprise, as opposed to a traditional investigation in physics?

Quantum cosmology and quantum gravity (Rafael Sorkin)

Does quantum gravity require one the application of quantum theory to the entire universe? If so, then it would appear that it forces one to confront the problem of interpreting quantum theory. If not, then is quantum gravity of use in cosmology?

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